Thursday, 18 August 2011

a loss of a friend

I went to pay a last respect for a friend who died in a very high dignity. from what I learnt, he was killed by  a vehicle during his effort to save his child. the child saved.

I still remember about four or five years ago, when I sought his help to return a gift by an acquaintance. the gift was sent to my home address, which I considered as highly inappropriate. in fact, the act of giving a gift was, from my opinion, inappropriate. I was then brought the gift to the office and ordered the person to take back the gift. nothing happened. so I asked my friend to show me the address since he knew the place better. after I put back the gift at the front gate of the acquaintance premise, he asked me "why did the person gave a gift, is the person is a relative of mine", he asked. really he had a sincere mind set where such a practice should not exist.

I didn't remember mentioned this story to anyone. I hope he get his place in the heaven.

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