“If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you.”
-T Alan Amstrong
Who's the hell is T Alan Amstrong? just google it!
today I got one very miserable news and two great news. the bad news is I'm going to be without work, I'm going to bite the dust longer than I thought. I might as well finally fell into bottomless pit. this is very bad indeed.
today also I received the monthly magazine from my engineering society, the biggest of it kind in my country. the topic of the month is 'risk management in engineering'. my God, my believe in risk management exists in engineering field is once again proven to be correct. I hope three of people who laugh at me during my presentation on applying the risk management in then our engineering department can now bite their dust. they must. they get the same copy as I am because they belong to the same fraternity. but wait, they must be keep on laughing because they're clown.
late today my kids came back from home and told me about their mid-term result. they are so improved from last year when I was working very far away from home. I'm now ever believe that the decision to move back home is correct.
so I'm great. but I've no job that I don't know for how long more I can exist. I've already partially lost my car now, so what next will I have from the Pandora box? my life so far has already defies what ever Alan Armstrong feel.
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