Saturday, 25 February 2012

the ghost of the past

today I met with an old friend, very old. he's doing quite well, and I believe a little bit better than commoner like me. he still remember some bad old stories that I really wanted to erase. perhaps no one can ever left behind his old stories. never.

until you closed your eyes.

Saturday, 18 February 2012


I watched this double rainbow with my kids. when I was a kid, we were afraid to point at rainbow. it was because, according to old folks, one might lose his finger if he point to the rainbow. I wonder why did the story surface?

Friday, 17 February 2012


this is good. just like the Atlantis but this is real. as an engineer, I kept thinking how this could happened. it is beyond my understanding so its better for me to say nothing.

picture says a thousand words, they say.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

infinity in future II

again, in this picture sea is infinite. if you can walk in straight line, you will end up at the same spot that you started. for my kids, remember that no matter how far you walk, please look back. look back to your basic, your fundamental, your root.

you won't be lost.

infinity in future

according to this picture, there is an infinity. my kids too have infinite future. of course there several stations that they need to stop. and of course there is going to be a final stop. but before that, let the kids rolling but guide them. like how the rail is guiding the train.

guide them wisely.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Greece and the bankrupted democracy V - unity government

Greece is facing yet another crucial moment. the politicians are debating while commoners riot. the commoners said they're no longer can stand the 'austerity' plan. seemed that again history is repeating itself. the one in power will pressure the commoner. but I believe, in this case the one in power is not the ruling people.but it is somethign else.

teachers' corruption II

uh, there was a corruption case involving a university lecturer. basically, if you want to increase your marks, then just pay! it was just an old story.

I've wrote in this blog how a senior civil servant proudly and innocently announced that his son received government sponsorship. he claim that it was his right since he's a civil servant. how corrupt was that statement! it was so corrupt.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Syria, 'Don't Talk to Strangers' by Dio

when TV news aired the picture on Syria conflict, my kids asked why people behave as such. I believe I've told them the answer before. so this time I commented that even a leader who supposedly protect his people, hate his people. to the extent to injure (and even kill) them. so I advice my kids to take precaution on other persons.

just like what Ronnie James Dio said

Don't talk to strangers
'Cause they're only there to do you harm
- 1987

Friday, 10 February 2012

colourful week

this week was one of the most fancy and colourful. I learnt about the many faces of corruption;

some are crime some are not
some involve exchange of material while some just destroying your future
some can be brought to justice but some just a hiss
some can destroy a nation and sometime it is you alone
some killed rapidly some fuel toxicity

you have just picked one!

Thursday, 9 February 2012


Ok, one man lied to me. he said something about another man. I felt he's cheating. but he has a deformed face that will always show a smiling face, under any circumstances. so today I confronted this man he had lied about. outright, he denied it. he asked who drummed up the story. but, stupidly, I declined to reveal the name. my response was "from an acquaintance". that was stupid. really.

I was amused by the way the man lied to me. didn't he ever think that the truth will finally prevail.

there you go. he's as stupid I am!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

moral corruption

another form of corruption that will never be tried is moral corruption. consider a teacher who systematically sidelines a vocal pupil. the kid only voiced out whatever she feels right. after all, she's learning. then this teacher becomes irritated and, using her 'power', abusing the kid, mentally. the kid was sidelined: by ignoring her, flushing out the kid from her class, and who know what else can the teacher do.

the teacher is corrupted. but no law will prosecute her.

Monday, 6 February 2012

teachers' corruption

sometimes I wander that teacher has a very low possibility in fall into the trap of corruption. isn't it? well, after 5 Feb 2012, it is not. a teacher submits himself to corruption if he does not fulfill his duty. his duty is an utmost one: as a 'mould' for the next generation. in our society, teacher used to have a special position. but slowly teaching becomes only a way of earn a living: to drive fancy car and to wear expensive cloth. they no longer guide a son or a daughter about life, but just 'teach' them numbers and facts. they systematically chose pupils who are already excel (academically), to be excellent (academically). leaving the more needy to, I don't know where. when these kids revolt, they will be known as criminals.

negligence is corruption but not a crime. because a legal system says so.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

religious corruption

a news broke last week that officers in a quasi-religious agency which handles pilgrimage, asked for money in return for express pilgrimage. what the heck! coincidently, two weeks ago a colleague in my office proudly told that he has relative in the agency that might lend his hand. my response at that point was, what a corruption.

all this reminds me to a phrase in a film directed by our country most coveted film director, "you are SO corrupted!". it's not only corrupted, but SO corrupted.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

deja vu engineer

today I made the same mistake! I tried to be perfect, correcting wrong things. and I might fall in the same trap. I've denounced ethic not long ago and may be I should stick to that. let the works belong to others be forever theirs! don't be an ethical engineer. forget it and live with it!