Monday, 19 December 2011
North Korea
another leader had been brought down, but now by nature's call. it must be interesting to see the consequences of such event. just like what is happening in the middle east. the world is becoming more chaotic amid the full loaded conspiracy theories.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Soviet Union anthem
An unbreakable union of free republics,
Great Rus' joined together forever.
Long live the creation of the will of the peoples,
The united, the mighty Soviet Union!
above is the first part of the Soviet national anthem. forget the rest but the third line. I wonder why the inspiration in
such beautiful crafted sentence never make it into the real world. in what ever system that we have today, all the
dreams will remain the dreams. ordinary people will always short-lived.
Great Rus' joined together forever.
Long live the creation of the will of the peoples,
The united, the mighty Soviet Union!
above is the first part of the Soviet national anthem. forget the rest but the third line. I wonder why the inspiration in
such beautiful crafted sentence never make it into the real world. in what ever system that we have today, all the
dreams will remain the dreams. ordinary people will always short-lived.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
revolving world
it has been a week since I reported duty for this new job. this is my sixth work place but the environment is still the same. in any of this place, I can find a 'play-safe' personality, care-less, super self-motivated, want-to-be-leader-but-minus-accountability etc. all are the same. perhaps other people see me the same as I observed them. the world is certainly revolving. I just love to watch people!
Monday, 12 December 2011
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Saturday, 10 December 2011
development II
here is the system of electricity and telephone in the neighbouring country. it looks unmanageable, but it works. in my place, we are replacing this sort of system with a 'better' one, they said. but for whom that 'betterment' is, I don't know. there's a lot more things that I don't know.
Friday, 9 December 2011
sakura song
this is certainly not a sakura tree. but 25 years ago a Japanese teacher taught me a very lovely, Japanese traditional song - Sakura. I don't know where is the teacher who taught me Japanese language. to her, I would like to say thank you. a phrase I had not say it to her before.
- sakura sakura
- noyama mo sato mo
- mi-watasu kagiri
- kasumi ka kumo ka
- asahi ni niou
- sakura sakura
- hanazakari
- sakura sakura
- yayoi no sorawa
- mi-watasu kagiri
- kasumi ka kumo ka
- nioi zo izuru
- izaya izaya
- mini yukan
- Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
- On Meadow-hills and mountains
- As far as you can see.
- Is it a mist, or clouds?
- Fragrant in the morning sun.
- Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
- Flowers in full bloom.
- Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
- Across the Spring sky,
- As far as you can see.
- Is it a mist, or clouds?
- Fragrant in the air.
- Come now, come now,
- Let’s look, at last!
Thursday, 8 December 2011
this is an old palace of one of our kings. the architecture is unmistakably colonial. from this corridor of power, one can see a piece of land which renegaded few decades ago and form their own country. even for my whole life I've been living in this country, I just couldn't understand why the people of that land chose to part with us. may be they just don't like the architecture style of this old palace. who know?
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Monday, 5 December 2011
this is a view from a highway in my place. about 30 years ago, there was no highway. the area was a jungle. I wonder what will happen in the next 30 year to the scenery?
Sunday, 4 December 2011
this particular component of a bigger machine is to cool down its product, copper rod. I had the opportunity to visit this factory as a part of energy audit process. I had a big respect to those who worked in the factory for their dedication and contribution to the nation's economy. thank you every one!
Saturday, 3 December 2011
last week we went to this neighbouring country. the picture above is one of its market or bazaar. interestingly, even though the space is quite pack, but the cleanliness is good (compared to our place). we should learn something here. "officials, you don't need to go to Switzerland or UK to learn about cleanliness, just go here and learn. beside their climate and environment is comparable to us. don't waste the tax payers' money".
defender of principle
yesterday I started a new life at a new job place. but wait. it was not a new life. it was just like the old ones. but, finally I met a man with a same philosophy as I am (or was). he is a staunched defender of his principle. few times he quit his job due to that philosophy. he defends and nurtures his subordinates constantly if they put their effort at the correct pace. sounds that we may get along well. but he talks too much...
Saturday, 26 November 2011
new or used?
one of my responsibility is to check whether the material used in a new construction is new (it is always must be new due to contract's condition). two days ago I did exactly that. the picture above shows the material exhibits sign of being 'used material'. it is quite obvious, isn't it?
why in the world the constructor ever wanted to do this? is everybody else is blind? really I was disappointed. had the material had been installed, I would asked them to remove everything and redo it again. it was a foolish attempt of doing thing. foolish.
duty of care,
Friday, 25 November 2011
ghost of the past
I have to document this type of encounter which happened while I was working away from home a couple year ago. the ghost which I encountered was almost wiped out from my map of memory. it was impossible when we were separated not only by time but also geographical location, or so, I thought. never crossed even in my remotest mind that I would experience again such a terrified encounter. until that moment. it was a stupid and waste encounter.
comment vs complaint
yesterday I went to have dinner with friends. my food was not so tasty, so I gave my sincere comment to the owner while we're paying the dish. to my shocked, her face turned to 'very unhappy'. even at that point of time she was to receive the money. couldn't she differentiate the 'humiliating' comment and sincere comment? nothing in my comment could be misunderstood as 'complaint'. what happened to maxim 'customer is always right'?
duty of care,
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
diary of a father XVIII - tin ore
I brought my family to see this monster last week. this is actually a tin ore dredging floating machine. the length is about 100m, width is more than 10m and depth is about 4m. this particular machine is 73 years old. once, this kind of machine was used by the colonial to steal our wealth. then it was handed over to the locals. and I really don't sure whether the locals were better than the colonials in term of sharing the wealth.
my grandfather worked in this mining activity: as a worker. I told my kids to imagine how he worked in such condition so that he could raised his many kids plus some more of his nephews. while not working he would do a lot more of part time works.
so while the machine symbolised the colonials grip on the locals economy, but it also was the place where my family was raised. there is always two sides of a coin.
Friday, 18 November 2011
wealth and truth
someone told me that if you're rich enough, you may be able to buy truth. though my belief don't agree with this but in reality, sometimes it works that way. I had a friend while in the university who really fought on extreme right path. he would explained his believe to everyone he spoke to: he had a brilliant public communication. among his statement was "justice (system) is for the one with money".
after three years in the so-called higher learning campus, he told me "even we (same race) don't really understand the problem. after this I might as well study, get a job, and get my self rich". I hope he's succeed.
after three years in the so-called higher learning campus, he told me "even we (same race) don't really understand the problem. after this I might as well study, get a job, and get my self rich". I hope he's succeed.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
diary of a father XVIII - school
only a few days before school kids get their long vacation. after which they will embark on a new level of schooling. I've always tell my kids to do the best. regardless the result we will get, but the most important thing is to do the best. the rest is in God's hand. don't be afraid.
Monday, 14 November 2011
winds of change in mediterranean
certainly there are changes in countries around Mediterranean sea. first there were what they called Arab's Spring. three of the leaders there were replaced. now the cleaning session blows to Europe. starting with Greece and then Italy. by the end of last century we've seen communist nations fell apart. then new countries created around the same basin. clean it up!
Sunday, 13 November 2011
diary of a father XVII - decision
today I'am making one of the difficult decisions I've ever made. as a father I always want the best for my family, even it's not the best for me. I want my family live in dignity and high hope. but sometimes my decision are flawed. I'm just a human being.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
history II - world war I
it was said that world war I had entered the era of 'pages of history' from living memory. it is said that the last known serviceman has died in Australia in May this year.
that war ended with the world losing two empires: the Ottoman and the Austro-Hungarian. there were a lot of history truth hidden. 'when a person dies, it is like a whole library burnt down' - old saying.
that war ended with the world losing two empires: the Ottoman and the Austro-Hungarian. there were a lot of history truth hidden. 'when a person dies, it is like a whole library burnt down' - old saying.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Greece and the bankrupted democracy IV - unity government
the unity government of Greece has been formed. one reader comment on BBC that the democracy is falling in Greece. he said when a government can choose whoever they like in the government, then the democracy is falling. but for me, in the case of Greece, they unity government is made up of most of parties in the parliament. they were chosen by the people. they are people's representatives.
but what if the representatives are turning their backs against the people's wish? perhaps they can resort to direct democracy such as shown by the Occupy movement. I've wrote about direct democracy before. may be I need to write more about direct democracy in the future.
but what if the representatives are turning their backs against the people's wish? perhaps they can resort to direct democracy such as shown by the Occupy movement. I've wrote about direct democracy before. may be I need to write more about direct democracy in the future.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Greece and the bankrupted democracy III
the discussion among political parties in Greece is still in progress. and may be the democracy is in progress!
Monday, 7 November 2011
diary of a father XVI - job
this is my office. the idea of publishing this picture came when we (family circle) had a discussion about our job last weekend. one of the participants said workers at his workplace were just paid August's salary - a two-month late. then several others joint the fray. mostly they blamed the employers. at one time I decided to enter the discussion. I reminded them how the largest workers union in the country disagreed with the recently passed amendment on the worker's act.
yes, I agree that employers are greedy. but we, the commoners, somehow elect our representatives who in turn passed the law that affect us negatively. the people are always depressed, always.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
diary of a father XV - family outing
the picture above shows part of a train network which explore network of caverns. however, when we arrived there few months ago it was closed. we were told that there was an accident happened in the past and was closed due to that. I hope that they'll find a way to really improve the safety issue. and that my family can get the benefit from the development built from tax payers' money.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Greece and the bankrupted democracy II
well, the government of Greece is still holding ground. and the PM had proposed a unity government in facing the situation. let's see how the people of a country which gave us democracy will do that, when even the parliament is split into two factions. let's hope that we can learn more from these people, again. let's see how the people of Greece is going to face the economic difficulties without giving off their identity and dignity. watch and learn...
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Greece and the bankrupted democracy
Greece is one of the earliest great civilisation. they teach us several things such as democracy. I wonder, if democracy could be used to destroy the very core of the system, the people. let say, the austerity plan put forward by the government is genuinely for the country's good. let say, the people of Greece reject the plan. as the result, the country goes 'bankrupt'. I don't know what happened next. but if eventually the people suffer, then the democracy, from my opinion, should failed. we have seen the failure of communism, the breakdown in the financial system and several other incidents. now is democracy failing?
from the rich Empire and pioneer of democracy, could Greece goes bankrupt and show us the failure of democracy? may be there is another system of government which is better. search for it. it is already here.
from the rich Empire and pioneer of democracy, could Greece goes bankrupt and show us the failure of democracy? may be there is another system of government which is better. search for it. it is already here.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Thursday, 27 October 2011
diary of a father XV - health
this is a walk way towards a government hospital where one of my relatives was warded for internal organ illness. once my two kids, around 3 and 2 years old respectively, were sick. they had fever and diarrhea. the sickness, however, lasted about two days only. but during that days they just lied down and I was like a mad man. I really didn't know what to do. of course I took them for medical attention. I cried...
they recovered and I felt very happy. I keep on wondering why sometimes I have a heart to scold and beating the kids despite the experience. to my kids, no matter what I did to you, nothing can take you from my heart.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Libyan revolution
I want to make it a permanent reminder to my self about a man whose words describes what is revolution correctly. his troop captured Muammar Gaddafi and this was what his view on revolution.
"We started with a civilian revolution. After that, Gaddafi changed this revolution to a war. The revolution starts now. Because the revolution means: build our country, correct our mistakes in our country."
the man, Omran al-Oweib will eventually return to his civilian's role as an electrical engineer. I believe inside his heart building his nation and correct the mistake is more important than war. thank you Omran!
"We started with a civilian revolution. After that, Gaddafi changed this revolution to a war. The revolution starts now. Because the revolution means: build our country, correct our mistakes in our country."
the man, Omran al-Oweib will eventually return to his civilian's role as an electrical engineer. I believe inside his heart building his nation and correct the mistake is more important than war. thank you Omran!
Saturday, 22 October 2011
diary of a father XIV - time in parks
I've tried to count how many hours did I spend with my kids in parks such as above. surprisingly, it is very little. very little indeed. it will be the the time when my kids left me. and I know for certain that I'll regret. the time has passed and nothing I can do. but to regret...
Friday, 21 October 2011
Muammar Gaddafi II
he was once a leader but later he betrayed his own people. human being changes just because 'things' and of course 'power'. but power eventually leads to 'things'. so it is 'things' that destroys humanity. 'things' (or materialistic) kills people.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Muammar Gaddafi
they are reporting that the son of Libya has died. now the people of Libya get what they want, freedom. good luck to the Libyans!
Saturday, 15 October 2011
above is the picture of a river. the location of the lake is in the one of the less populous state in our country. but already there were several water shortages incidents in several of our states including the second smallest state. I still remember a river in my village which was crystal clear. you can still catch that kind of scenery but you'll need to get to the upper stream of the river. the very important aspect of our life, water, is rapidly polluted and depleted by no others but us.
Friday, 14 October 2011
diary of a father XIII - teaching economy
this is a sugar cane field located up north of my country. the field is very huge. the final product of this plant is sugar. while cruising the field I taught my kids about economic activities surrounding the area. at least 3 to four sources of income can be seen along the road.
we finally reached the sugar processing factory. we pulled over looking at the facilities. to my surprise, my wife's uncle told us that the factory paid less than USD2 per day for their temporary workers. at that moment, my teaching of economic was over. again we're back at discussing the unjust society that we live in. there will be no politician who fight for those workers. it is their own battle. with note that we left the factory.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
technology and death
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.
- Steve Jobs, 2005
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Japan, 'nuclear energy free' society II
any news on the Japan's vision on nuke energy free society? I really want to learn how the Japan is going to implement this. or is it the change in the government has also change the direction? I hope not. this is a very good initiative that I believe everyone is eager to follow.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Yemen, tyranny replacing tyranny
so the president of Yemen says he will step down 'in days'. I hope he will. and the whole system that the people of Yemen opposed will step down too. otherwise I remember a speech of our local opposition leader who said, don't ever let a tyranny (colonial) to be replaced by another tyranny (a local one, this time)'. paradox...
Friday, 7 October 2011
Steve Jobs, family
'Jandali, who is 80, said at the time that he would have been happy to just have a cup of coffee with the son he never knew before it was too late.'
that's the price of family relationship. even only minutes over a cup of coffee is too valuable to be exchange with anything in this world. now the billionaire had left his money and the dad is also going to leave that green buck sooner or later. it has been my belief that things would never make you happier, people do. people....
that's the price of family relationship. even only minutes over a cup of coffee is too valuable to be exchange with anything in this world. now the billionaire had left his money and the dad is also going to leave that green buck sooner or later. it has been my belief that things would never make you happier, people do. people....
Thursday, 6 October 2011
job opportunity
all praise to God. I've received two job offers. both located closer to my home. now I must decided which one I should pick.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
I'm going to have another interview tomorrow. this job, is I get it, will bring me closer to my home. sometimes things are so close but somehow you cannot reach it. I pray that I get this job. it has been a very long three years period. too long.
Friday, 30 September 2011
diary of a father XII - revolution
today, exactly two years ago I had to leave my family so that I can put that little food on the table. I left in the name of my dignity and belief (not religious belief, that is). those things are mine, what ever happens. the very touching moment was that I had to leave my children and my pregnant wife. less than 24 hours after I set my foot on that foreign land, my child was born. I missed that experience waiting for her at the hospital.
someone reminds me that there is no need to look back. I wonder if the revolutions in Arabs today or in any part of the world were due to the fighters vision of the future. of course, they did. they look up to the future. they didn't want whatever bitter experience they had in the past would happen to their children. they fought because of injustice. they fought because they think they can change the world. some, like in Egypt, succeeded in doing so in less casualty. some, like in Libya, need to go war for that.
nothing can break the chain between past and future. of course, as we embrace today's life, the past is only use as a guide or reference. don't hold any grudge. so let it be like that way.
someone reminds me that there is no need to look back. I wonder if the revolutions in Arabs today or in any part of the world were due to the fighters vision of the future. of course, they did. they look up to the future. they didn't want whatever bitter experience they had in the past would happen to their children. they fought because of injustice. they fought because they think they can change the world. some, like in Egypt, succeeded in doing so in less casualty. some, like in Libya, need to go war for that.
nothing can break the chain between past and future. of course, as we embrace today's life, the past is only use as a guide or reference. don't hold any grudge. so let it be like that way.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
comedy of tragedy
I came across quote like this: 'life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel'. but I also heard some one said 'everything in life is a comedy except for the person who experience it'.
tragedy is the antonym of comedy. but both are types of drama. drama is not just about acting but also happens in real I define the 'comedy of tragedy' as a series of tragic events the seemed like a 'comedy' from one point of view. it just like the 'three stooges TV series'. there were a lot of 'tragic' events such as getting hit in the head. but that very event had been viewed as a 'comedy'.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Monday, 26 September 2011
Schizophrenia (
/ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of thought processes and of emotional responsiveness.[1] It most commonly manifests itself as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction.
Saturday, 24 September 2011
diary of a father XI - laugh
kids love to laugh. I get very happy whenever my kids are laughing. as grown-up, I'm lacking of laugh. yes, laugh is not really a good thing to do. but certainly it get you happy. keep on laughing my kids...
Thursday, 22 September 2011
history and politics III
well, here in our country, we may have the history to be tried in court. and the guy who is to tried was charged under the 'defamation' title. wait and see...
Monday, 19 September 2011
diary of a father XI - home
I went to a small town yesterday hoping to see my old friend who suffered mouth cancer. I heard his condition is quite bad. sadly I couldn't find his house. may be I'll try next time.
nevertheless, this small town was there I first grew my family. when I got married, I moved to a housing area not far from the town. the town is very small that there is no bank, not even an ATM machine or petrol pump station. but there is a post office. life is so simple those days. simple and happy. while wandering the town I wonder why I opted to left the town and went to a place where life is certainly a lot busy and lesser, much less, happiness.
I hope I can guide my kids from this experience.
nevertheless, this small town was there I first grew my family. when I got married, I moved to a housing area not far from the town. the town is very small that there is no bank, not even an ATM machine or petrol pump station. but there is a post office. life is so simple those days. simple and happy. while wandering the town I wonder why I opted to left the town and went to a place where life is certainly a lot busy and lesser, much less, happiness.
I hope I can guide my kids from this experience.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
history and politics II
until now, the independent historical polemic is still being discuss fiercely in this country. for me, I'm more concern about the high price of food, education, transportation, unemployment. it's always the people who will lose. politicians, I'm getting fed up with what you have been doing so far. please look at the people needs.
Friday, 16 September 2011
foreign powers
to date, many foreign leaders flocked to Libya for whatever reasons. but I think of a friend. today's friends, most of them, are there only when we are in power or wealth. you will lose friends when you lose power and wealth. true friends are difficult to find nowadays. in fact, true human being is difficult to find. what we can see are 'walking machines' with only 'things' in mind.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
state of emergency
'A state of emergency is a governmental declaration that may suspend some normal functions of the executive, legislative and judicial powers'
when the Arabs spring hit the newsstand few months ago, I learnt that several Arab countries still have state of emergency. the proclamation had been in effect for few decades. for example Egypt (since 1967), Syria (1963), Algeria (1992). but I never thought that my country has the same situation. in fact, there are three emergency proclamations that still not lifted from as early as late 1960s. three! in fact the other one proclamation (mid 1960s) was lifted only because there was another proclamation few years later!
when the Arabs spring hit the newsstand few months ago, I learnt that several Arab countries still have state of emergency. the proclamation had been in effect for few decades. for example Egypt (since 1967), Syria (1963), Algeria (1992). but I never thought that my country has the same situation. in fact, there are three emergency proclamations that still not lifted from as early as late 1960s. three! in fact the other one proclamation (mid 1960s) was lifted only because there was another proclamation few years later!
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Monday, 12 September 2011
history and politics
it's very dangerous when history is politicized. a nation will lost its identity and even liberty if the history is manipulated for the few.
but, what the hell. if the history is only a perspective, then get your own version of history. the professor may speak his mind over the media. but you shouldn't change what ever you feel about your version of history. it's yours and nobody can change it. tell the version to your kids and friends.
but, what the hell. if the history is only a perspective, then get your own version of history. the professor may speak his mind over the media. but you shouldn't change what ever you feel about your version of history. it's yours and nobody can change it. tell the version to your kids and friends.
Sunday, 11 September 2011
diary of a father X - history
I always want to learn history so that I can teach my kids not to repeat the same mistakes our fathers had committed. but now I realised that history is... not what I knew before. I can surely understood by now what Winston Churchill meant by 'history is written by victors'. history is only a human perspective. and between my perspective and yours, there will be differences.
well, know I'm not teaching history to my kids but I'm teaching my perspective. good luck!
well, know I'm not teaching history to my kids but I'm teaching my perspective. good luck!
Saturday, 10 September 2011
... about history
History consists of a series of accumulated imaginative inventions.Voltaire
God alone knows the future, but only an historian can alter the past.
Ambrose Bierce
The historian must not try to know what is truth, if he values his honesty; for if he cares for his truths, he is certain to falsify his facts.
Henry Adams
The researches of many eminent antiquarians have already thrown much darkness on the subject; and it is possible, if they continue their labors, that we shall soon know nothing at all.
Artemus Ward
It should be known that history is a discipline that has a great number of approaches.Ibn Khalduin of Tunis
History is a myth that men agree to believe.Napoleon
History is the invention of historians.Attributed to Napoleon
History without politics descends to mere Literature.Sir John Robert Seely
He who has money, lives long: he who has authority, can do no wrong: he who has might, establishes right. Such is history! Ecce historia!
Gottfried Benn
The writing of history reflects the interests, predilections, and even prejudices of a given generation.John Hope Franklin
Not all that is presented to us as history has really happened; and what really happened did not actually happen the way it is presented to us; moreover, what really happened is only a small part of all that happened. Everything in history remains uncertain, the largest events as well as the smallest occurrence.
There is no history, only fictions of varying degrees of plausibility.Voltaire
God alone knows the future, but only an historian can alter the past.
Ambrose Bierce
The historian must not try to know what is truth, if he values his honesty; for if he cares for his truths, he is certain to falsify his facts.
Henry Adams
The researches of many eminent antiquarians have already thrown much darkness on the subject; and it is possible, if they continue their labors, that we shall soon know nothing at all.
Artemus Ward
It should be known that history is a discipline that has a great number of approaches.Ibn Khalduin of Tunis
History is a myth that men agree to believe.Napoleon
History is the invention of historians.Attributed to Napoleon
History without politics descends to mere Literature.Sir John Robert Seely
He who has money, lives long: he who has authority, can do no wrong: he who has might, establishes right. Such is history! Ecce historia!
Gottfried Benn
The writing of history reflects the interests, predilections, and even prejudices of a given generation.John Hope Franklin
Not all that is presented to us as history has really happened; and what really happened did not actually happen the way it is presented to us; moreover, what really happened is only a small part of all that happened. Everything in history remains uncertain, the largest events as well as the smallest occurrence.
There is no history, only fictions of varying degrees of plausibility.Voltaire
“History is written by the victors.” | |
Winston Churchill or so they have said ... |
Friday, 9 September 2011
"we're not colonised", historian
today, yet another 'prominent' historian denies that this country had ever been colonised. "we were put under the 'protection' (protectorate) of the British Empire", or so he said.
history is not belong to him. it is a fact that the British controlled all aspect of life while they were here. they plundered the wealth of this land. they killed the local people who opposed them. they interfered with appointment of local rulers. they depressed the people voices. they ... what evident more this idiot professor wants to show that we're colonised. this professor was colonised down to his spine!
I don't know what was his motive. political? money? truth? stupidity? did our independent fighters died because they were opposing themselves?
history is not belong to him. it is a fact that the British controlled all aspect of life while they were here. they plundered the wealth of this land. they killed the local people who opposed them. they interfered with appointment of local rulers. they depressed the people voices. they ... what evident more this idiot professor wants to show that we're colonised. this professor was colonised down to his spine!
I don't know what was his motive. political? money? truth? stupidity? did our independent fighters died because they were opposing themselves?
Thursday, 8 September 2011
British imperialism and Baha Mousa
so there were few people who had been indicted in the inquiry of Baha Mousa. Justice? I don't think so.
British was one of the powers that colonised and squandered my country for several hundreds years. what is interesting about the British, they colonised my country mostly through agreements. unlike Portuguese or Dutch. even one 'prominent' historian in this country even said 'legally this country has never been colonised, it's only the power of local rulers were exercised by others', or so, he said. what in the world he's trying to say?
currently there are debates whether local independence fighters, who clashed with British security forces, which were locals too, can be considered hero or terrorist. is it a very difficult question to answer? the head of the independence fighters was finally executed by the British.
the British way of colonisation, including mental colonisation, was so successful that after decades the local people still confuse on the fact that the British was actually COLONISING the country.
British was one of the powers that colonised and squandered my country for several hundreds years. what is interesting about the British, they colonised my country mostly through agreements. unlike Portuguese or Dutch. even one 'prominent' historian in this country even said 'legally this country has never been colonised, it's only the power of local rulers were exercised by others', or so, he said. what in the world he's trying to say?
currently there are debates whether local independence fighters, who clashed with British security forces, which were locals too, can be considered hero or terrorist. is it a very difficult question to answer? the head of the independence fighters was finally executed by the British.
the British way of colonisation, including mental colonisation, was so successful that after decades the local people still confuse on the fact that the British was actually COLONISING the country.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
one of our media men was shot dead in Somalia few days ago. certainly, during a conflict everybody is in danger. virtually everybody. look back what had happened in Ivory Coast when one of the warlords was killed. the warlord sided the victorious president. in Libya, one of top men in opposition front line was killed. he was one of Muaamar Ghadaffi's men who defected.
there you go.
there you go.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Libya - liberty III
as what I suspected, some party accused that there was Islamist element behind the uprising. yet the other bloc is suspecting Libya would fall into the hand of the west. in other words the nation will be taking the west instruction. so I say let the people of Libya decide through what ever appropriate channel, e.g. democracy. don't let anything like the previous Turkey experienced. the so-called protector of the constitution, the army that is, can over throw the elected government just because they thought so. let the people decide! leave the Libyan people and nation. give them hand, of course. but no string attached.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
today is the celebration of our nation freedom from colonial rule. so as usual, we recite back how the previous generations fought for the independence. but some say history is written by the group in power. history can be altered! but why only learn how they fight. for me, equally important if not more important, is the fact of how the previous generations mistakenly let the colonial get into our nation. and how some of the local people scandalously worked with the colonial.
think about it.
think about it.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
diary of a father IX - celebration
we're celebrating! my kids' faces are full of smile. even for the two-year old! why can't we, as adult, do the same thing?
Monday, 29 August 2011
Japan, the PM resigned
so the Japanese has a new prime. 5 in 5 years. what a record. from my perspective, that shows the high accountability of those politicians. for example the out-going Kan accepted that he had some problem in handling the huge post-tsunami event. but he still lead the country during the crisis and quit when the time is right. kudos Japanese.
duty of care
Sunday, 28 August 2011
diary of a father VIII - papa, I'm here!
I had a habit of reading a Saturday's newspaper early in the morning. sometimes when I'm reading, nothing can get my eyes off the newspaper. one day, I read the newspaper as usual. I put the newspaper on the floor. my son at that time still couldn't crawl. I heard some noise from the kid but I ignored it. but I knew he's looking at me. suddenly he started rolling and finally landed on the newspaper. he apparently succeeded in stopping me from keep on reading. it's time to play with him.
Saturday, 27 August 2011
diary of a father VII - it's time to go!
every morning, before we went out to work, I would start my car and heating up the engine for only a few minutes. my son would usually already woke up and lied on bed. then we took the kid, bring in to the car and off we went. that process repeated every day.
one weekend, I did the same thing. but I heated up the car's engine a lot longer. then I heard my kid made a noise. then I realised that we didn't take him although the engine had started quite some time. sense of time! he understood the sense of time and event around it. what a miracle!
one weekend, I did the same thing. but I heated up the car's engine a lot longer. then I heard my kid made a noise. then I realised that we didn't take him although the engine had started quite some time. sense of time! he understood the sense of time and event around it. what a miracle!
Friday, 26 August 2011
diary of a father VI - a story of integrity
yesterday I was driving alone when I started thinking about integrity. I was a staunch supporter of such attitude and I seek for the reason. suddenly I remember about a colouring contest I participated during my primary school. my father told me about this story:
there were two pieces of works finally made it to the top. which one of those was mine. each drawing bear the participant name. the judges wrote on a piece of paper and put it underneath each drawing. the paper wrote '1' or '2'. it simply meant whether the drawing was eligible for either first place of second place. when they counted the paper, the result was a tie. so my father, as a chief judge, need to make a final decision. he had not to chose mine. so I got no. 2 spot.
at that time what I felt was a proud feeling. yes, I'm at number 2. but it also meant that I'm not a number 1 just because I had an advantage. perhaps that's a reason for me to believe in integrity.
there were two pieces of works finally made it to the top. which one of those was mine. each drawing bear the participant name. the judges wrote on a piece of paper and put it underneath each drawing. the paper wrote '1' or '2'. it simply meant whether the drawing was eligible for either first place of second place. when they counted the paper, the result was a tie. so my father, as a chief judge, need to make a final decision. he had not to chose mine. so I got no. 2 spot.
at that time what I felt was a proud feeling. yes, I'm at number 2. but it also meant that I'm not a number 1 just because I had an advantage. perhaps that's a reason for me to believe in integrity.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Libya - liberty II
it has been few days after Tripoli was taken by the rebels. the situation reminds me what had happened in Ivory Coast few months ago. the war erupted in the capital and some people said both sides commit crime. the people who were depressed and fight and win, eventually depress the other group of people.I don't know exactly what had happened after apartheid fell in South Africa. but I did watch a documentary about a Committee (Truth and Reconciliation Committee) which heard all grouses. and I really don't know whether the model is good. but with all the experience that we had, from Nuremberg Trial to the Committee, can we learn something?
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
diary of a father V - a story of ants
Once my son, my wife and myself were preparing to sleep. back then we own very less things, not even a bed. so we slept on the floor, of course with sort of mattress put on. my son crawl everywhere until at one spot when he suddenly stopped and looking at something. when I took a look, he was watching a marching ants. he looked at the insects quite a long time. the next day, when we arrived home, he rushed to the spot where he saw the ants last night. but now there were no more ants, but emptiness. he looked at me, puzzled.
I'm sure that my son will never remember this story. but I did. and I want to share this story with him. saying that how proud we are. how proud we are that he had developed a skill and acquire knowledge with his own effort. of course he needs guidance. everyone does. but guidance alone will bring you to nowhere. it is you, yourself that must take an effort to follow the guidance.
I'm sure that my son will never remember this story. but I did. and I want to share this story with him. saying that how proud we are. how proud we are that he had developed a skill and acquire knowledge with his own effort. of course he needs guidance. everyone does. but guidance alone will bring you to nowhere. it is you, yourself that must take an effort to follow the guidance.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Libya - liberty
I read news about rebels in Libya is closing in Tripoli. is it a beginning of the end of a war. a war which represents the price of pursuit for liberty. I just hope that there will be minimum casualty if not zero. I hope...
Friday, 19 August 2011
diary of a father IV - the birth of a bigger family
I spent exactly five days awaiting for my first child - a son. still clear in my memory I sent my wife to hospital o Monday morning after she experienced sort of bleeding. the hospital was about 30 km away from my home. so, I spent the following nights at relative home nearer to the hospital. and I spent each day in hospital compound.
on Thursday my wife experienced contraction that made her pretty pain. I've never seen such a pain on a face, I cried - really I don't know what to do. but it was yet the time. finally on Friday afternoon, my son was born into this world. no words can described that moment.
today, he's almost as high as his father. I named him after a previous ruler of my home state. my hope for him is one - that he can serve his society, country and religion well, regardless what he is.
on Thursday my wife experienced contraction that made her pretty pain. I've never seen such a pain on a face, I cried - really I don't know what to do. but it was yet the time. finally on Friday afternoon, my son was born into this world. no words can described that moment.
today, he's almost as high as his father. I named him after a previous ruler of my home state. my hope for him is one - that he can serve his society, country and religion well, regardless what he is.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
a loss of a friend
I went to pay a last respect for a friend who died in a very high dignity. from what I learnt, he was killed by a vehicle during his effort to save his child. the child saved.
I still remember about four or five years ago, when I sought his help to return a gift by an acquaintance. the gift was sent to my home address, which I considered as highly inappropriate. in fact, the act of giving a gift was, from my opinion, inappropriate. I was then brought the gift to the office and ordered the person to take back the gift. nothing happened. so I asked my friend to show me the address since he knew the place better. after I put back the gift at the front gate of the acquaintance premise, he asked me "why did the person gave a gift, is the person is a relative of mine", he asked. really he had a sincere mind set where such a practice should not exist.
I didn't remember mentioned this story to anyone. I hope he get his place in the heaven.
I still remember about four or five years ago, when I sought his help to return a gift by an acquaintance. the gift was sent to my home address, which I considered as highly inappropriate. in fact, the act of giving a gift was, from my opinion, inappropriate. I was then brought the gift to the office and ordered the person to take back the gift. nothing happened. so I asked my friend to show me the address since he knew the place better. after I put back the gift at the front gate of the acquaintance premise, he asked me "why did the person gave a gift, is the person is a relative of mine", he asked. really he had a sincere mind set where such a practice should not exist.
I didn't remember mentioned this story to anyone. I hope he get his place in the heaven.
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
diary of a father III - loss
today I received a news of that one old friends died. certainly death is unavoidable for all living things. death should be able to wake us up to think back what have we done so far. have we hugged our family today. have we called our friends and family who lived away from us. or in the larger scale what have contribute to our society and country and even religion.
I believe all of us have faced a loss, near or far. I've lost a son three years ago. he died at birth. I prayed to God that I could see his eyes. and my prayer was answered when I had a dream. in that dream someone is holding my son. he was quietly falls asleep. his face is clean and his eyes shut. then slowly he opened his eyes and looking to me. and really I can looked into his eyes. just what I was praying for. now I'm praying that I would be able to meet him again.
really life is wonderful and it is human being who make it wonderful. not things.
I believe all of us have faced a loss, near or far. I've lost a son three years ago. he died at birth. I prayed to God that I could see his eyes. and my prayer was answered when I had a dream. in that dream someone is holding my son. he was quietly falls asleep. his face is clean and his eyes shut. then slowly he opened his eyes and looking to me. and really I can looked into his eyes. just what I was praying for. now I'm praying that I would be able to meet him again.
really life is wonderful and it is human being who make it wonderful. not things.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
diary of a father II
the start of my family is a very ordinary matters. we built our home on love and built our house from pieces of paper. our shoe rack was from boxes and our first car was rather less than ordinary. we washed our clothes by our bare hands and had our less than average food. but it was a happy life then. there was no TV, sofa, even bed or fridge. there were very less 'things' on those days. very much less.
Saturday, 13 August 2011
diary of a father
I'm an ordinary people with a very common life style that probably won't attract anyone attention. what I face everyday must have been faced by anyone else in this world. but after such episode with my son, I want to pen down all my life long experience so that all my kids know that I'm an average people but I always want to be special to them. we are given a very short time on this world but the responsibility is so much.
may be I want to start my diary with "to my children, and my wife, and my family. I'm just another ordinary person. but you're all always special to me as I always want myself to be special in your life".
may be I want to start my diary with "to my children, and my wife, and my family. I'm just another ordinary person. but you're all always special to me as I always want myself to be special in your life".
Friday, 12 August 2011
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
my son
I was away from home for a few days when my wife received a letter telling that my son 'hit' his friend. I was shocked and disbelief. so just now we went to see the teacher who signed the paper and got a 'relief' explanation: he was actually involved in a 'rough' play - common to kids, but must be controlled.
but what really made me shocked and speechless was the teacher told us how our son had actually spoke to her (the teacher) on his grievance that I work very far away from home. he, being a quite person, never told us such feeling. and we never asked him. my God, what have I done? I'm such a rascal person who believe in dignity and integrity in 'black and white only' mode. so what is there left for me?
but what really made me shocked and speechless was the teacher told us how our son had actually spoke to her (the teacher) on his grievance that I work very far away from home. he, being a quite person, never told us such feeling. and we never asked him. my God, what have I done? I'm such a rascal person who believe in dignity and integrity in 'black and white only' mode. so what is there left for me?
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Japan, 'nuclear energy free' society
so finally the Japanese revealed its policy on nuclear energy - 'will reduce Japan's reliance on nuclear power, aiming at creating a society that will not rely on atomic power generation'. and the Japan prime minister has even promised to challenge the 'conventional belief' that nuclear energy is safe. but so far I've yet to see how are they going to just do that. I believe I've wrote on this last time. come on Japanese, show the world how will you do it so that the rest of us can learn.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Direct Democracy: 'The Third Wave', Alvin Toffler
fascinating! the politicians in the US could only agreed to disagree. in Egypt, street demonstration kicking again. anti-Muammar Gadaffi in Libya had one of their top leader killed. in Turkey, top brass of all three branches of army, whom they called themselves defender of the constitution, resigned en mass. in my country, we lose some of our land and waters to our neighbour. I wonder if all these have anything to do with what people really want. leaders have always say what they do is what the people want.
then I remember the term 'direct democracy' I read in 'The Third Wave'by Alvin Toffler 30 years ago. with all the social and technological advancement, can't the idea put into practice? or is it practical in the first place? remember that some of previous civilizations did some kind of the idea.
'to be or not to be'
- c 1600
then I remember the term 'direct democracy' I read in 'The Third Wave'by Alvin Toffler 30 years ago. with all the social and technological advancement, can't the idea put into practice? or is it practical in the first place? remember that some of previous civilizations did some kind of the idea.
'to be or not to be'
- c 1600
Friday, 29 July 2011
more things
I keep on thinking on yesterday's topic and I believe it is true. more things have never contribute to any value. I think I want to write more about this. really.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
yesteryears, 'more things', house and home
yesterday I drove through a place where I brought up my family at the very early stage. it was our first home where we were bestowed with our first child. our working place was not far from the home. the life was easy then. there was no TV, just a radio, a PC without internet connection, no washing machine. we made our own shoe rack from a box. yes, we had a sofa set which was given by my mother, and we still have it. what a life!
then our life became 'more'. more things, more issues, more kids, more responsibility, more problems, and more 'more'. among the 'more', 'more things' definitely never make us happier, never. my God, it was only today that I realised deeply that more problems, issues and all the human related things may get you depressed, but in the end we become more human. on the other hand, 'more things' has never brought any value. a home bring up the family not the house. praise to God.
I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it
I thank you all -
But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -
And I ain't gonna lose
- 1977
then our life became 'more'. more things, more issues, more kids, more responsibility, more problems, and more 'more'. among the 'more', 'more things' definitely never make us happier, never. my God, it was only today that I realised deeply that more problems, issues and all the human related things may get you depressed, but in the end we become more human. on the other hand, 'more things' has never brought any value. a home bring up the family not the house. praise to God.
I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it
I thank you all -
But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -
And I ain't gonna lose
- 1977
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
powers that be
we've Got The Right To Choose And
there Ain't No Way We'll Lose It
this Is Our Life, This Is Our Song
we'll Fight The Powers That Be Just
don't Pick Our Destiny 'cause
you Don't Know Us, You Don't Belong
- 1984
there Ain't No Way We'll Lose It
this Is Our Life, This Is Our Song
we'll Fight The Powers That Be Just
don't Pick Our Destiny 'cause
you Don't Know Us, You Don't Belong
- 1984
basic food
oh no, not again. my country is now plague by news of basic food shortage. the story keep on surfacing every now and then and I don't really know why. this kind of situation is unheard while I'm young, when our GDP per capita is 1/4 of it is now. what is happening here?
Monday, 25 July 2011
money and the hotter earth
my mechanic complaint to me that everything is pricey today. I said I agreed and even rain is somehow reluctant to getting 'down'. it is hotter today than it was time. the mechanic then blamed on our hunger for cutting trees and develop. "they all thinking about money", he said. again and again I stumble upon human who demonised money. yet we still after it. and never feel enough of it.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Norway's tragedy
from the day the tragedy happened until now, media have painted the incident as 'attack to the core of Norwegian values' - freedom. so the road to freedom has a price. and having the freedom too has a price? who put that price.
people of Norway, I hope that you just be strong and persistent. it's all in your hand whether to give in or keep on.
people of Norway, I hope that you just be strong and persistent. it's all in your hand whether to give in or keep on.
years ago my father used to show us pictures in newspaper showing hungry and abandoned children in Africa. I cannot recall whether the picture was taken in Somalia which today faced a serious humanitarian crisis - famine. and I believe most of us has seen Kevin Carter's picture of a starving toddler in Sudan. the picture won him a Pulitzer Prize. but like most of us, he finally realised that money is evil and the society is corrupted.
to see the picture, search on the net.
to see the picture, search on the net.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
when the children cry
little child
dry your crying eyes
how can I explain
the fear you feel inside
cause you were born
into this evil world
where man is killing man
and no one knows just why
what we have become
just look what we have done
all that we destroyed
you must build again
- 1987
dry your crying eyes
how can I explain
the fear you feel inside
cause you were born
into this evil world
where man is killing man
and no one knows just why
what we have become
just look what we have done
all that we destroyed
you must build again
- 1987
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