Thursday, 7 April 2011

Fukushima nuclear power plant leak plugged

I read about engineers at Fukushima nuclear power plant have finally plugged the radioactive leak. in my country, currently there is no such power plant though the is a plan towards building one in a decade or two. I'm in favour for nuclear power plant for one reason - its technology. someone told me that aeroplane is the safest transportation available. but of course if something (fatal) goes wrong, the result would be catastrophic. I believe that nuclear power plant is somehow the same. such advanced technology will certainly spin-off to other field. I hope I can contribute in realising the idea.

in the article, the most interesting paragraph is this:

"In order to stem the leak, Tepco (the Tokyo Electric Power Co) injected 'water glass', or sodium silicate, and another agent into the pit. Desperate engineers had also used sawdust, newspapers and concrete in recent days to try to stop the escaping water".

so the engineers have tried with all sort of method before they were able to conquer the problem. Mahatma Gandhi once said "freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes". I don't know the background from which he delivered such statement. but common human being do make mistake.

I believe by advocating nuclear power won't make me an aristocrat or a technocrat. I'm just a commoner who want to delve into such an advanced technology which until now is evolving in the hand of elites. 

what ever it is, hail to Fukushima's engineers for teaching the world.

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