Wednesday, 13 April 2011

giving back to the society, 'Get Real, Get Rich: Conquer the 7 Lies Blocking You From Success' by Farrah Gray

the picture above is a bridge to a ferry berth. it has been there longer than I've been living in this world. I guess that the people who involved in completing this work, if they still alive, will smile of their accomplishment. millions of commoner have used this bridge and they are still using it.

once I worked with a local electricity company. we engaged a Japanese giant company to make a repair on a damaged submarine cable (electricity cable laid undersea) not far from the bridge. after weeks of tracking the cable route, we managed to hauled it up on a barge. we cut the cable and we could see on its inner paper layer, the manufacturing year of the cable. out of a sudden, one elder Japanese worker, who oversaw the barge coordination, smiling. as he cannot speak English, one of his fellow asked why he smiled. then explained that he involved in laying the cable more than 40 years ago. that was a smile of accomplishment.

in 'Get Real, Get Rich: Conquer the 7 Lies Blocking You From Success', the author, Farrah Gray, writes about obstacles and ways to get around them. one of the lies, is the 'Worked Hard Lie'. under the chapter, he tells about seeking for job that we would like to do. there three questions:
1. what comes easy to you but harder to others?
2. what would you do non stop even if you never got paid for it?
3. how can you be on service & give back to others?

note point number 3. I talked about that in several interviews. but they kept on telling me that that was an idealistic kind of words yet unrealistic. it is also just another bombastic words to catch people mind.

is commoner like me cannot have that kind of idealism? go figure.


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